Littleglobe TV (executive director, senior producer, filmmaker)

Littleglobe TV is a semi-regular series of hyper-local co-authored resident-sourced TV shows about the complex inner lives of Santa Fe residents during the pandemic. It weaves together micro-documentaries, musical pieces, poetry, comedy, collections of social media stunts, animation and live-hosted segments.

Littleglobe, Engaging Civic Policy (executive director, senior producer, filmmaker, facilitator, creative director)

Over the past years, Littleglobe’s team has been working with Santa Fe residents on a wide variety of projects, collaboratively gathering oral histories, stories, and artistic amplifications of testimonials of the wide range of human experiences. Increasingly, these stories are being leveraged to ensure that policymaking about this town is done grounded in the world of the people who live here instead of top-down notions of the power structures in Santa Fe. This has included work alongside grass roots and policy initiatives addressing anti-gentrification, equitable development, working against cultural erasure, struggling to ensure affordability, decentralization of power, and racial and cultural equity.

Donate to Littleglobe!

Littleglobe, Inc
PO Box 24213
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(505) 980-6218

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